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CLI tools from the Python3 Standard Library

Exploring the Command-Line Interface (CLI) Tools Included in the Python 3 Standard Library

Python3 comes with a wide range of powerful and useful tools that can be accessed via the command-line. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most useful tools that come with the Python3 Standard Library.


python -m http.server                           # Create a webserver serving files relative to the current directory
python -m http.server 8080                      # Start the webserver on port 8080
python -m http.server -b              # Bind the webserver to
python -m http.server -d path/to/files          # Serve files relative to path/to/files

echo '{"key": "value"}' | python3 -m json.tool  # Pretty-print JSON objects

python -m gzip data.json                        # Compress data.json
python -m gzip -d data.json.gz                  # Decompress data.json.gz

python -m zipfile -c data.txt       # Create zipfile named from source file data.txt
python -m zipfile -e .              # Extract zipfile into current directory

python -m tarfile -c archive.tar data.txt       # Create tarfile name archive.tar from source file data.txt
python -m tarfile -e archive.tar .              # Extract tarfile into current directory

Http Server

The http.server module provides a simple command-line interface to create a basic web server. The server will serve files from the current directory unless an alternative directory is specified.

Warning: It is not recommended to use http.server in a production environment. It only implements basic security checks.

Here’s an example:

python -m http.server

This command will start a webserver on port 8000, which serves files from the current directory. If you want to change the port use the first positional argument to specify an alternate port:

python -m http.server 8080

If you want to serve files from a different directory, you can specify it with the -d option:

python -m http.server -d /path/to/directory
--bind, -b ADDRESSSpecify alternate bind address. (Default:
--directory, -d DIRECTORYSpecify alternative directory. (Default: current working directory)
--cgiRun a CGI Server.

Read more in the documentation.


The json.tool module provides a simple command-line interface to validate and pretty-print JSON objects. It can be used to format JSON data so it’s more human-readable and easier to understand.

python -m json.tool <INFILE> <OUTFILE>

Here’s an example:

python -m json.tool onld.json new.json

This command will pretty-print the JSON object so it’s easier to read.

If the optional infile and outfile arguments are not specified, sys.stdin and sys.stdout will be used respectively.

$ echo '{"key": "value"}' | python3 -m json.tool
    "key": "value"
$ echo '{key: "value"}' | python3 -m json.tool
Expecting property name: line 1 column 2 (char 1)

Other useful options include:

--sort-keysSort the output of dictionaries alphabetically by key.
--json-linesParse every input line as separate JSON object.

Read more in the documentation.


The gzip module provides a simple command-line interface to compress or decompress files just like the GNU programs gzip and gunzip would.

python -m gzip <FILE>

Here’s an example:

python -m gzip data.json

This command will compress the data.json into a new file called data.json.gz. If you want to decompress a file, you can use the -d option:

python -m gzip -d data.json.gz

This command will decompress the data.json.gz file.

Other useful options include:

--fastIndicates the fastest compression method (less compression).
--bestIndicates the slowest compression method (best compression).
-d, --decompressDecompress the given file.

Read more in the documentation.


The zipfile module provides a simple command-line interface to create, extract, and manipulate ZIP archives.

To create a new ZIP archive, use the -c option followed by the ZIP archive name and the filename(s) to include:

python -m zipfile -c <ZIP-FILE> <SOURCE-FILE-1> [... <SOURCE-FILE-N>]

Here’s an example of creating a new ZIP archive:

python -m zipfile -c data.txt

This command creates a new ZIP archive named that includes data.txt.

To extract a ZIP archive into the specified directory, use the -e option:

python -m zipfile -e <ZIP-FILE> <OUTPUT-DIR>

Here’s an example of extracting a ZIP archive:

python -m zipfile -e .

This command extracts all files from to the current directory.

To list the files in a ZIP archive, use the -l option:

python -m zipfile -l

This command lists all files in the ZIP archive.

Other useful options include:

-c, --create ZIP-FILE SOURCE-1 [... SOURCE-N]Create zipfile from source files.
-e, --extract ZIP-FILE OUTPUT-DIRExtract zipfile into target directory.
-l, --list ZIP-FILEList files in a zipfile.
-t, --test ZIP-FILETest whether the zipfile is valid or not.

Read more in the documentation.


The tarfile module provides a simple command-line interface to work with tar archives.

If you want to create a new TAR archive, specify its name after the -c option and then list the filename(s) that should be included:

python -m tarfile -c <TAR-FILE> <SOURCE-FILE-1> [... <SOURCE-FILE-N>]

Here’s an example of creating a new TAR archive:

python -m tarfile -c archive.tar data.txt

This command will create a new TAR archive named archive.tar that will include data.txt.

If you want to extract a TAR archive into the specified directory, use the -e option:

python -m tarfile -e <TAR-FILE> <OUTPUT-DIR>

Here’s an example of extracting a TAR archive:

python -m tarfile -e archive.tar .

This command will extract all files from archive.tar into the current directory.

To list the files in a TAR archive, use the -l option:

python -m tarfile -l archive.tar

This command will list all files in the archive.tar TAR archive.

Other useful options include:

-c, --create TAR-FILE SOURCE-1 [... SOURCE-N]Create tarfile from source files.
-e, --extract TAR-FILE OUTPUT-DIRExtract tarfile into target directory.
-l, --list TAR-FILEList files in a tarfile.
-t, --test TAR-FILETest whether the tarfile is valid or not.

Read more in the documentation.

See also

Docker CLI Cheat Sheet

This Docker CLI cheat sheet is a comprehensive guide to the essential commands for working with Docker containers and images. While it covers most of the common use cases, some edge cases may require additional information, so it’s always a good idea to refer to the official Docker documentation.